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Andrew Akbashev

Scientist (PI), Paul Scherrer Institute

Postdoc, Stanford University

PhD, Drexel University

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Recent Invited Talks and Lectures:

  • "Ion Intercalation, Lattice Instability and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Electrocatalysts under OER". Invited talk at Max Planck Institute (Mülheim, Germany), Oct 2024.

  • "In situ Microscopy of Electrocatalysts". Lecture at Summer School UnOCat (Understanding Oxidation Catalysis), Flensburg (Germany), Aug 2024.

  • "Personal Development during PhD". Lecture at Summer School UnOCat (Understanding Oxidation Catalysis), Flensburg (Germany), Aug 2024.

  • "Oxides and Electrocatalysis: A Personal Journey". Seminar at McMaster University, July 2024.

  • "Probing Oxygen Intercalation, Oxidation and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in OER Electrocatalysts". Invited talk at ECS Spring Meeting (San Francisco, US), May 2024.

  • "In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy and X-ray Spectroscopy of Electrocatalysts". Invited talk at ECS Fall Meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden), October 2023.

  • "Professional Management of Social Media for Academia". European Federation of Corrosion, July 2023.

  • "Electrochemistry: Fundamental Research, Academic Culture and Education". Department seminar at Northeastern University, June 2023 (Boston, USA).

  • "Fundamental Research, Academic Culture and Education in Electrochemistry". Amsterdam Centre for Electrochemistry AMCEL Symposium, The Netherlands (2023).

  • "Complexity of Electrochemical and Electrocatalytic Reactions on Oxide Materials". Van Marum Lecture, Leiden University, The Netherlands (2023).

  • "Operando Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscopy of Model Electrocatalysts". Frontiers in Electrocatalytic Transformations, Spain (2022).


Re-Educated with Goutham Yegappan - Sept 2024 (Spotify, Apple Podcast)

Ontology of Value with Natalia Bielczyk - Feb 2024 (Youtube)

Once a Scientist with Nick Edwards - Aug 2023 (Spotify, Apple Podcast)



I solo-organize the Electrochemical Online Colloquium, a free educational platform that makes scientific discussions publicly accessible and widely impactful within a professional community.


A.R. Akbashev. Electrocatalysis Goes Nuts. ACS Catalysis (2022) 12, 4296-4301



J. Bosse, A. Varykhalov, M. Muntwiler, T. Lippert, A.R. Akbashev. Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy and Electrocatalysis: Is There a Bridge in Between? ChemRxiv (2024) [link].


  • J. Bosse, J. Gu, J. Choi, V. Roddatis, Y.-B. Zhuang, N.A. Kani, A. Hartl, M. Garcia-Fernandez, K.-J. Zhou, A. Nicolaou, T. Lippert, J. Cheng, A.R. Akbashev*. Molecular O2 Dimers and Lattice Instability in a Perovskite Electrocatalyst. JACS (2024) [link].

  • A.R. Akbashev*, S.V. Kalinin*. Tackling overpublishing by moving to open-ended papers. Nature Materials (2023) 22, 270–271 [link].

  • A.R. Akbashev*. Electrocatalysis on Oxide Surfaces: Fundamental Challenges and Opportunities. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry (2022), 101095. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev*. Electrocatalysis Goes Nuts. ACS Catalysis (2022), 12, 4296-4301. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev*, V. Roddatis, C. Bäumer, T. Liu, J.T. Mefford, W.C. Chueh. Probing the stability of SrIrO3 during active water electrolysis via operando atomic force microscopy. Energy Environ. Sci. (2023). [link]

  • J.T. Mefford, A.R. Akbashev, M. Kang, C.L. Bentley, W.E. Gent, H.D. Deng, D.H. Alsem, Y.-S. Yu, N.J. Salmon, D.A. Shapiro, P.R. Unwin, W.C. Chueh. Correlative operando microscopy of oxygen evolution electrocatalysts. Nature (2021), 593, 67–73. [link]

  • J.T. Mefford, A.R. Akbashev, L. Zhang, W.C. Chueh. Electrochemical reactivity of faceted β-Co(OH)2 single crystal platelet particles in alkaline electrolytes. J. Phys. Chem. C (2019), 123, 31, 18783-18794. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev, L. Zhang, J.T. Mefford, J. Park, B. Butz, H. Luftman, W.C. Chueh, A. Vojvodic. Activation of Ultrathin SrTiO3 with Subsurface SrRuO3 for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Energy Environ. Sci. (2018), 11, 1762-1769. [link]

  • L. Wu, A.R. Akbashev, A.A. Podpirka, J.E. Spanier, P.K. Davies. Infrared-to-ultraviolet light-absorbing BaTiO3-based ferroelectric photovoltaic materials. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (2019), 102, 4188-4199. [link]

  • A.V. Plokhikh, M. Falmbigl, I.S. Golovina, A.R. Akbashev, I.A. Karateev, M.Y. Presnyakov, A.L. Vasiliev, J.E. Spanier. Formation of BiFeO3 from a Binary Oxide Superlattice Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition. ChemPhysChem 18 (2017), 1966-1970. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev, M. Falmbigl, A.V. Plokhikh, J.E. Spanier. In situ crystallization study of impurity phases in Bi–Fe–O thin films grown by atomic layer deposition. CrystEngComm 19 (2017), 166-170. [link]

  • E. Ahvenniemi, A.R. Akbashev, et al. Review Article: Recommended reading list of early publications on atomic layer deposition—Outcome of the “Virtual Project on the History of ALD”. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 35 (2017), 010801. [link]

  • D. Imbrenda, D. Yang, H. Wang, A.R. Akbashev, L. Kasaei, B.A. Davidson, X. Wu, X. Xi, J.E. Spanier. Surface-and strain-tuning of the optical dielectric function in epitaxially grown CaMnO3. Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 (2016), 082902. [link]

  • J.E. Spanier, V.M. Fridkin, A.M. Rappe, A.R. Akbashev, A. Polemi, Y. Qi, Z. Gu, S.M. Young, C.J. Hawley, D. Imbrenda, G. Xiao, A.L. Bennett-Jackson, C.L. Johnson. Power conversion efficiency exceeding the Shockley–Queisser limit in a ferroelectric insulator. Nature Photonics 10 (2016), 611-616. [link]

  • A.R Akbashev, A.V. Plokhikh, D. Barbash, S.E. Lofland, J.E. Spanier. Crystallization engineering as a route to epitaxial strain control. APL Materials 3 (2015), 106102. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev, A.R. Kaul, A.V. Telegin, Yu.P. Sukhorukov. Granular and layered ferroelectric-ferromangetic thin-film nanocomposites as promising materials with high magnetotransmission effect. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 384 (2015), 75-58. [link]

  • S. Liu, A.R. Akbashev, X. Yang, X. Liu, W. Li, L. Zhao, X. Li, A. Couzis, M.-G. Han, Y. Zhu, L. Krusin-Elbaum, J. Li, L. Huang, S.J.L. Billinge, J. E. Spanier, S. O’Brien. Hollandites as a New Class of Multiferroics. Scientific Reports 4 (2014), 6203. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev, G. Chen, J.E. Spanier. A Facile Route for Producing Single-Crystalline Epitaxial Perovskite Oxide Thin Films. Nano Letters 14 (2014), 44–49. [link]

  • I. Grinberg, D.V. West, M. Torres, G. Gou, D.M. Stein, L. Wu, G. Chen, E.M. Gallo, A.R. Akbashev, P.K. Davies, J.E. Spanier, A.M. Rappe. Perovskite Oxides for Visible-Light-Absorbing Ferroelectric and Photovoltaic Materials. Nature 503 (2013), 509-512. [link]

  • V.V. Roddatis, A.R. Akbashev*, S. Lopatin, A.R. Kaul. Complex Structural-Ferroelectric Domain Walls in Thin Films of Hexagonal Orthoferrites RFeO3 (R = Lu, Er). Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013), 112907. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev*, V.V. Roddatis, A.L. Vasiliev, S. Lopatin, V.A. Amelichev, A.R. Kaul. Reconstruction of the polar interface between hexagonal LuFeO3 and intergrown Fe3O4 nanolayers. Scientific Reports 2 (2012), 672. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev*, V.V. Roddatis, A.L. Vasiliev, S. Lopatin, A.S. Semisalova, N.S. Perov, V.A. Amelichev, A.R. Kaul. Reconstructed stacking faults in cobalt-doped hexagonal LuFeO3revealed by mapping of cation distribution at the atomic scale. CrystEngComm 14 (2012), 5373-5376. [link]

  • V.V. Pavlov, A.R. Akbashev, A.M. Kalashnikova, V.A. Rusakov, A.R. Kaul, M. Bayer, R.V. Pisarev. Optical properties and electronic structure of multiferroic hexagonal orthoferrites RFeO3 (R = Ho, Er, Lu). Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2012), 056105. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev*, A.R. Kaul*. Structural and Chemical Aspects of the Design of Materials with Multiferroic Properties. Russian Chemical Reviews 80 (2011), 1211–1230. [link]

  • A.R. Akbashev*, A.S. Semisalova, N.S. Perov, A.R. Kaul. Weak Ferromagnetism in Hexagonal Orthoferrites RFeO3 (R=Lu, Er-Tb). Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011), 122502. [link]

  • A.V. Markelov, S.V. Samoilenkov, A.R. Akbashev, A.L. Vasiliev, A.R. Kaul. Control of orientation of RBa2Cu3O7 Films on substrates with low lattice mismatch via seed layer formation. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (2011), 3066-3069. [link]

  • M.S. Kartavtseva, O.Yu. Gorbenko, A.R. Kaul, A.R. Akbashev, T.V. Murzina, S. Fusil, A. Barthélémy, F. Pailloux. BiFeO3 thin films prepared by MOCVD. Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (2007), 9149-9153. [link]​​

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